In partnership with Open Theatre and Birmingham Rep


"Commedia contains all the essentials of life: trying to eat, trying to procreate and trying desperately to avoid death" - Jacques Lecoq 

An afternoon of laughter and surprise as Told by an Idiot, Open Theatre and The Rep, opened the doors to our improvisation lab. For one unforgettable week, six early career learning disabled performers and four early career non-learning disabled performers from the West Midlands joined forces to explore the exhilarating energy, boundless spirit, and delightful chaos of Commedia dell’arte. In the spirit of improvisation, anything could happen!

Led by Artistic Director, Paul Hunter, this intensive week-long project and public showcase aimed to empower participants to embrace their creativity in bold new ways while addressing the importance of diversity in the arts.

Leap Before You Look was generously supported by The Eveson Trust, GJW Turner Trust, Joseph Hopkins & Henry James Sayer Charity, The Sir Barry Jackson Trust and The Edward and Dorothy Cadbury Trust.


Performance Dates

20 April 2024    The Rep, Birmingham 



Created by Told by an Idiot with Open Theatre and Birmingham Rep

Performers Rishard Beckett, Isobel Chadwick, Amber Gollay, Kevaughn Laing, Jaye Molloy, Millie Parker, Connor Sherry, Lukan Smith, Charlie Stonham, Louis Wharton

Directed by Paul Hunter

Associate Directors Jake Jarvis, Holly Delefortrie

Creative Consultant Richard Hayhow