Past Productions Shoot Me In The Heart 2000 A Told by an Idiot and Gate Theatre, London production Shoot Me In The Heart was based on an Argentinian short story. Dedicated to all those who dare to follow their heart, it told the story of an unlikely love affair set in a small coastal town in South America in the 1930s. A woman gives birth to a girl whom she adores. On her daughter' seventh birthday, the mother realises that her little girl will never grow again. Time passes. In the town is an ageing romantic figure, whom everybody is fascinated by. On the day of the girl's seventeenth birthday this man buys her a present of a white pony and falls in love with her. He tries to deny this feeling to himself and goes travelling for five years. It is impossible, so he returns. They marry and live happily ever after, until one day a circus comes to town.... This is a particular tale, about a particular situation, and yet, like all the best stories, its themes are universal. It is in its essence both sad and ridiculous, funny and painfully familiar.Shoot Me in the Heart was funded by the Arts Council and London Arts Board. Gallery