Produced by Told by an Idiot and Drum Theatre Plymouth production Commissioned by the Barbican and Brighton Festival

A rather well known rabbit attempts to stop an alien blowing up the earth. 
In a Berlin cafe a professor pleads with her student not to commit an atrocious act. 
And in an infamous London department store the weirdest ever episdoe of Are You Being Served? is about to begin.

Examining extreme acts of violence and the lengths people will go for their beliefs, this sinister comedy of ineptitude was a funny and deeply disturbing look at how powerless we are to stop people when they have reached a point of no return.

Inspired by a variety of sources from Hitchcock to Dario Fo, this sequence of serious follies takes Told by an Idiot's unique and distinctive style in a new and unsettling direction.



★★★★ 'In the hands of other companies such a subject might yield po-faced earnestness, but here it is given a wonderfully nutty, deceptively irreverent and theatrically inventive spin' - The Times

'An ingenious, jolly old romp' - The Daily Mail

'Delivered with the genial inventiveness of a group famous for its ingenuity...' - The Financial Times

