All of us at Told by an Idiot are devastated to hear of the very sad death of Stephan Kreiss, he was a dear friend and colleague.

Our hearts go out to his family and all the Spymonkey gang. Stephan was one of the funniest performers I ever had the privilege to see, and he did what all great clowns do - he made it look effortless.

He first made me laugh in The Right Size’s Penny Dreadful in 1993 and continued to do so for the next 28 years. I shall never forget his repeated attempts to get up some stairs aboard ship in Spymonkey’s glorious version of Moby Dick, the whole audience was helpless with laughter willing him to do it again, which of course he did.

Stephan leaves a great comic legacy

Thanks for the laughs my very funny friend.

Paul Hunter

Artistic Director, Told by an Idiot