A message from our Artistic Director, Paul Hunter:


We are devastated to hear the news of the death of Marcello Magni.
He was a wonderful man, a great performer and an extraordinary improviser.
He was a huge inspiration to Hayley and I as we set off on our Idiot journey.
In those early Complicité shows ‘A Minute Too Late’, and ‘More Bigger Snacks Now’ he simply blew me away, and changed the way I thought about performing.
I have such fond memories of him coming into our Idiot rehearsals for ‘Napoleon Disrobed’ a ball of energy as ever, as he tottered around on Michael Vale’ see-saw set, showing me many comedic possibilities that only Marcello could discover.
Our thoughts and love are with Kathryn our dear friend and colleague.
Ciao Maestro.