Kevaughn Laing Kevaughn Laing is an emerging deaf creative talent from the West Midlands. He created lots of fun online content for Deaf Explorer during the pandemic and volunteered and attended workshops led by Billy Read and Ishtiaq Hussain for the Commonwealth Festival 2022. Kevaughn was really involved in creative activities at school but hasn’t had the opportunity to get involved in accessible arts until 2022. His commitment and creativity impressed Ishtiaq and Billy. Kevaughn joined Def Motion as a dancer in June 2022 and toured in their professional outdoor work Cog in the Wheel throughout 2023 as well as co-facilitate a 5-week residency in schools with Deaf bases. Kevaughn joined Autin Dance Theatre as a Workshop Leader on their Education Programme and Outdoor Interactive Work Street Games. More recently, Kev will join Nua Dance (Neus Gil Cortes) as a performer in their professional work NOISE, set to tour this year in the UK.